If you're interested in immediately diversifying your income by entering new markets, this course is for you. This course is created for beginners and intermediate investors alike.

Whether you are a real estate agent or have been involved in real estate investing (Flipping/Renting) for years and want to capture additional opportunity in and out of state, this course will lay out the fundamentals and technology tools to manage the complete sales cycle across the country or int.

"I've thought about investing in different states for a while, this course provided motivation and guidance to up my game."

- Tiffany

"Fresh content with a fun approach so its not boring. I was a realtor but I wanted to better understand off-market investing & marketing. This course was fundamental in anchoring my perspective. Ultimately I doubled my close ratio in 90 days."

- Chris

Thank you so much for offering a wonderful service for working mothers. You're a great coach. I wouldn't be this far along in my goals or have this much courage to push forward without the support of the group.
